Email your MP
Our MPs need to know what we think about planning issues.
Some people tell us 'my MP does nothing for me', but they still need to hear from us. So please take the time to write.
And do let us know if you receive a reply.
You can find your MP's contact details via your postcode, here:
If you're not sure what to say, you will find a list of ideas in the template email below.
Don't forget to include your home address, as proof that you have contacted them as one of their constituents.
I am a Community Planning Alliance (CPA) supporter. More than 600 campaign groups have now registered themselves on the CPA Grassroots Map - a clear indicator that the planning system and local democracy are very broken.
We seek a planning system that better protects the environment, allows communities to participate in planning their future, and delivers the right number of homes and the right infrastructure in the right places. Will you help us to call for:
A review of the national housing target? - It is out-of-date, unreliable, and does nothing to help those most in need of a home.
Additional protections for the environment? - There should be a moratorium on new house-building when the environment is at risk. Such as when the sewage system cannot take further growth, for example.
A review of Biodiversity Net Gain? - The results of the recent CPA survey demonstrate the great level of concern people have about the damage that Defra's Metric will cause without a dramatic overhaul.
Local say in Local Plans? - Councils are all too willing and able to ignore residents. We want to put a stop to that by ensuring that every Local Plan is checked at Examination for community participation.
All new homes to be eco-homes? - Instead of vast solar 'farms' on our food-producing countryside, we call for solar panels on all new houses and commercial buildings. Not just that, but also obligatory 'eco' measures such as grey water collection, heat pumps, permeable surfaces, and proper insulation for every new home.
Sustainable transport instead of new roads? - New homes should no longer be 'unlocked' by new roads. The focus of transport spending should be on public transport, walking and cycling.
And ... the removal of paragraph 11(d) from the NPPF? - It makes a mockery of the planning system, delivers unsustainable and environmentally damaging developments, and puts all the power in the hands of developers.
I would welcome a meeting with you to discuss this.
Kind regards,
Please note: Details of the CPA map and survey can be found at