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Transport Resources
CPA Submission to National Highways RIS3 Shaping the Future of England's Strategic Roads - June 2023
CPA made a submission on 21st June 2023 to the proposals made in National Highways’ Initial - Report Shaping the future of England's strategic roads. The report outlines National Highways’:
- view on the current state of the strategic road network (SRN)
- potential future needs
- proposed priorities for the next road period (RP3), covering the financial years 2025-26 to 2029-30
Link to National Highway's Consultation: shaping-the-future-of-englands-strategic-roads
Link: CPA Response
Link: CPA Response
Transport Action Network
Transport Action Network's purpose is to help support people and groups press for more sustainable transport in England and Wales.
Transport for New Homes
Transport for New Homes aims for new developments to be linked to sustainable transport networks in order to address climate change.
Campaign for Better Transport
Campaign for Better Transport's vision is for all communities to have access to high quality, sustainable transport that meets their needs, improves quality of life and protects the environment.
Link: bettertransport.org.uk
CPA Submission to National Highways RIS3 Route Strategies Consultation - December 2021
In December 2021, CPA submitted a response to National Highways consultation on Road Investment Strategies 3.
We said that Government should stop building new roads, as the Austrian government has recently announced, but that in the event that the RIS3 programme does go ahead then there need to be changes to the way options are evaluated.
We would like alternatives to be compared directly with new roads, and we believe that externalities such as illness from air and noise pollution, plus road deaths and injuries, should be taken into consideration. We also believe that a natural capital assessment must be made of all habitats to be lost if a road is built.
The end of the road? Challenging the road-building consensus - courtesy of CPRE
This CPRE report reveals that road-building is failing to provide the congestion relief and economic boost promised while devastating the environment. It goes on to directly challenge Government claims that ‘the economic gains from road investment are beyond doubt’.
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