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Local Plan Resources
National Planning Policy Framework - courtesy of GOV.UK
The most important planning document for any campaigner is the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). You can access the most recent (2021) version by clicking on the link below.
Local Plans: the examination process - courtesy of GOV.UK
Government guidance on the Local Plan examination process.
Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations - courtesy of GOV.UK
Guide aimed at all those involved in the process and concerned with the procedural aspects of examining a Local Plan.
Local Plans: a campaigner's guide - courtesy of Friends of the Earth
This guide from Friends of the Earth provides information and advice on participating in the planning system through local plans.
Good Plan Making Guide - courtesy of the Local Government Association
This guide, by the Planning Advisory Service on behalf of the Local Government Association, identifies key principles for successful plan making and highlights some of the core tasks that will need to be undertaken by Local Authorities to develop a local plan.
CPA Webinar: Into The Lions' Den - Preparing for Examination of a Local Plan
Examination in Public is the end game for campaigners, often after years of consultations and plan-making. Once you get to the ‘Reg 19’ consultation, or Draft Submission Plan, then you have only one audience: a Planning Inspector.
Getting your consultation response right at this stage is crucial because it determines whether you get a seat at the table or not. Preparation for the hearings is key – you need to think about hearing statements, your team and your strategy. This webinar, recorded on November 18th 2021, will give you top-tips for this all-important stage of the planning process, with input from:
- Caroline Dibden, campaigner & CPA Secretary, who has survived the experience and won battles;
- Naomi Luhde-Thomson, planning expert at Rights : Community : Action.
This webinar is intended to help level the playing field. EiP’s are full of barristers and planning consultants. We hope it will help you to go into your Examination confident and fully prepared.
CPA Webinar: Meet a Planning Inspector
Campaign groups operating within the planning system will, at some stage, be very likely called to attend a Local Plan examination or an appeal hearing. In that situation, there will be only one arbiter: a planning inspector.
It can be daunting for community representatives to attend these hearings. They will be faced with rows of planning officers, consultants and lawyers - all experts in their fields and for whom appeals hearings are bread and butter.
We were therefore delighted that the Planning Inspectorate lent us an inspector for our webinar on March 3rd 2022!
Some of the subjects she advised us on are:
- how community groups should prepare;
- how best to present your evidence - both in writing and in person;
- and what are the most important do's and don'ts.
NPPF 2021 Campaign Tool - courtesy of Communiity Planning Alliance
CPA provided campaign tool, designed to ensure that you ‘tick all the boxes’ when you respond to a Local Plan or planning application.
Do you have or know of any resources that should be included in this library?
If so, please contact us today!